Life: 5 Simple Ways to Overcome It’s Toughest Challenges

Last Updated on 09/24/2024

In life, it’s rare to experience smooth sailing all of the time.

Oftentimes it feels like an uphill battle, where all adversity seem overwhelming.

Making us feel defeated, lost within a sea of hopelessness and despair.

It seems like a never-ending war where we have to constantly fight annoying battles big or small.

Always feeling mentally drained and emotionally exhausted.

We pray, plead, and beg for different circumstances. Where somehow, someway we can things just be different, better?

After so many unanswered prayers and hours of wishful thinking, we begin to sink into a place where we are losing our faith that it might all change and maybe even where depression starts to set in…

Things are not looking good, they are not improving…

Every day you feel like you living life as a broken record, everyday the same thing now you feel lost.

WELL, I’m here to tell you that ALL hope is NOT lost and there are some things that you do have control over.

Here, we explore the importance of maintaining balance and persevering through life’s challenges, along with five practical tips to help you on this journey.

”Mind” yourself

”Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it.”

— Steve Maraboli

Your mindset shapes your reality.

Somewhere along the way you have stopped believing in yourself.

Undoubtedly, Losing one too many battles can have that effect on us...

Understand that when we start to lose hope, it only get worst from there.

Focusing on the positives, even in difficult situations it what can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Your current circumstances cannot and will not have power over your future once you decide so.

It is you that has the power within you, it’s always been YOU

Mindset is everything.

We can choose to become a ”victim” to our circumstances or prepare to be a ”victor” and nothing else…

Embrace Change and Adaptability

life is 90% how you react

Life is going to be filled with all kinds of different experiences and circumstances.

Can you be flexible and adaptable?

Many of us have trouble adapting to our circumstances because we want things to turn out a our way.

This way of thinking makes us have a ridged mindset unable to budge when changes come in like a tidal wave.

Sometimes we can’t get what we want right now but it doesn’t mean that we can never get what we desire…

In the different seasons, when life seems to reject us we must take a step back and wait patiently.

If you wait patiently you might see that things are delayed because an even better opportunity is around the corner.

But, only if we would had just waited a little bit longer.

If we become too rigid in our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors to bring about an expected outcome.

We might ruin a good thing coming…

To get the best results, we must be able to adapt within the chaos of uncertainty.

There will be times when we have to sit back on the sidelines and wait and there will be times when we are called into action.

Things become 10x harder for us when we try to act when it time for us to WAIT and wait too long when it’s time for us to ACT.

Check for leaks and cracks in your foundation


Life is all about choices. Everyday you have to make all kinds of decisions big or small.

To see improvements in our circumstances, we have to be intentioal.

By making the right decisions towards what we want.

Understand that in life every action that you take, every behavior, and every habit have all contribute to the lifestyle you have right now.

It is the sum of the choices that you have made this far…

You have single-handedly given these choices the power to mold and create your present lifestyle.

EVERYTHING. Your thoughts, behaviors, and actions are the very things that have landed you right here, today.

I know that for some of you, this is a very hard pill to swallow…

It’s easier to cope with life when we have someone or something else to blame…

But, in order for us to change for the better we must take a good look at the role that we might’ve had a part in all of this.

”You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West

Thriving vs Surviving

Many of us are on autopilot.

Sometimes we are not doing enough to actually invite in the circumstances that we DO want.

Life is about being proactive, living and doing with intention.

It’s about striving for the things that we want and desire.

But, comfortably has a strong hold on us.

It is easy to eat junk food, but it’s harder to work around making the appropriate and healthy lifestyle choices.

Easy to binge-watch your favorite show or scroll on the Internet for hours, all day, but it’s hard to set goals and to see them through to the end.

Its easy to want and desire, but it’s a lot harder to go out and actually get these things.

Striving for the life that you want and that you desire takes resilience and perseverance.

Even when things get hard, or when you fail.

The difference between the people who have the life that they want as oppose to those that don’t….

The people who have the lifestyle that they want is because they are more willing to do uncomfortable things to get to their goals and dreams.

Breaking past your comfort zone.

That’s the difference between people who are thriving and people who are merely just surviving.


Besides mindset, this is the second biggest factor in determining what your future is going to look like, ”is how you think about yourself”.

Maybe life has never been kind to you…

Maybe… at a young age it already started on a bad note and now in adulthood, nothings changed.

”You are not defined by the things that happened to you.”

– Anna Rose

In life, you determine who you are in this world.

Only YOU can determine your WORTH and VALUE!

Your circumstances and past does not get to dictate who you are.

YOU decide who YOU ARE, right now and who you’ll be tomorrow, or any day you choose, end of story.


So, remember that when life starts to get you down. When your starting to lose hope again.

Its ONLY up to you to change the narrative of the story.

Because it’s always been you, the ”main character”.

You are the main character in your story, remember this. You are the architect of your own happiness, everyone else is simply a visitor. – Pavana

Life’s challenges are inevitable, but how we respond to them defines our journey.

By shifting your mindset and how you choose to react through the challenges, we not only overcome obstacles but also emerge stronger and wiser.

Embrace life’s challenges as opportunities for growth, and remember that you always have the power to create something out of nothing.

Keep moving forward, one step at a time, and believe in yourself to navigate through life’s different seasons.

I believe in you and you should too!


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