Unconditional love is a concept that many of us strive for in our connections, but do we really know what it means?
And if it’s the secret ingredient to love, how can we get more of it!?
In simple terms, it’s the ability to give love with out the expecting anything in return.
Unconditional = Without Conditions or Expectations.
Many think the idea is dead and gone.
But, it’s not. We’ve just forgotten how powerful it can truly be.
It exists because you can observe it in nature.
Remember, just because we feel haven’t experienced something within our reality, doesn’t make it nonexistent.
Imagine a parent’s love for their child. It remains forever and constant.

A child can choose stop loving their parents, but a true parent never stops loving and caring for their children.
No matter the circumstances.
That’s the essence of ”unconditional love”.
Steady, unwavering, strong and complete.
In today’s world, many people feel that unconditional love is a rarity, a concept that’s becoming more of a myth.
But why?
The fact is… We don’t even show unconditional love to ourselves.
So how could be possibly show it to anyone else.
A more distorted way to think about unconditional love is that it is reckless or foolish.
Because it will only lead to heart ache in the end.
That’s not always true…
The truth about unconditional love
Do you want to hear a truth about unconditional love?
Before we can give to others we need to learn to first give it to ourselves.
Many have never even felt the warm embrace of unconditional love.
Is that possible?

We all first learn about the unconditional love as child.
From the experiences with our parents and others in our environment.
Children who haven’t experienced unconditional parental love, grow up failing to properly give and receive love in their adult relationships.
If this is you, all hope is not lost.
The power of unconditional love starts from within
Before we can truly offer unconditional love to others, we must first learn to love ourselves in this way.
Ask yourself…
Do you unconditionally love yourself without setting terms, conditions, or limitations to this love
Self-Love, stems from our ability to accept who we are in totality right now for what it is.
This type of love is very freeing without limits.
But first it all begins with you.
From yourself to yourself.
The ripple effect of true love

Undoubtedly, once you start to gain a different perspective and a better understanding of unconditional love you will see how it changes your thoughts, ideas and beliefs on the world around you and for the better.
You will see things start to take a positive turn and magical things start to happen.
As a result, we become less irritable, less easily agitated in our relationships and how we view the world.
Unconditional love is the most rarest and precious gift to both give and receive.
It requires immense inner strength, empathy and selflessness, but the rewards are immeasurable.
It is a testament to the depth of the human spirit and the transformative power of the heart.
If we stay the course, we just may transform not only our own lives, but the world around us.

Self-Care: How to love and Nature Yourself
Negative Emotions: 6 Journaling Prompts on How to Release Them